Seo google

          SEO is a technique that in relying on the master to occupy top positions in google, this led to a web or blog has a traffic or the number of visitors that very rapidly, after I wrote about how to search visitors in the previous article "Traffic Tips" so now I'll tell you about My experience in developing a visitor using SEO.
seo techniques is a very good technique to get visitors very much, but this requires energy and time consuming, but if successful the technique in a short time only you can get tremendous amount of visitors.
I have tried in my other blog using SEO techniques, the results after several months, about 1-2 months after practicing the technique of SEO my blog visitors increased rapidly, and exceeds the amount I expected. 

in using SEO techniques you have to be patient, time is needed relative, meaning if you want to spend some more time, then chances are the faster you will get a lot of visitors, my experience in increasing the number of visitors last month using SEO techniques takes 6 hours a day within 2 months, the results were above my estimates, the number of visitors growing by itself, as I see in the stats menu, visitors I get thousands of visitors a day.this is my experience using SEO techniques, SEO techniques I learned this in a variety of sources that exist in internet.internet to create inspiration for you, thanks for your visit.